After a long mindful musing; with the power invested in my by the Internet, I herebyhand over the prestigous award of Jackass of the Month to Tom.
You may be wondering, Tom? Tom who?
Tom, as in the guy you see on myspace.
It's not as if I know him personally; but I know his hated product.
I know it lacks adequate bandwith, and I know it has an even greater lack of persons who aren't complete fucktards.
Those astonishingly useless bulletins.
Those creepy old men.
Those spam messages you find in your email.
Of course, the point of myspace isn't actually to keep up with friends. Afterall, you could actually have a much more fulfilling conversation over the phone, or, dare I say...in person. The actual point of myspace is to get as many people in your douchebags (friends) list as possible.
Its always entertaining to see someone with more friends in there are days in the year. Perhaps she requires her friends to only interact with her in groups of two or more.
I'm not saying myspace is all bad; after all it does allow bands a media outlet. I mean, I love nothing more then receiving a fresh email from a crappy local band about how "I must be cool" so I should add them.
Let us pray that in a few months, when not a single soul can load a myspace webpage; it will finally die.
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