Friday, May 18, 2007

Jackass for April 2007

Well, after a month of silence, I'm back (finals were gearing up, among other things).

So, the numbers for april are in. The Entire Cast of View are hereby named the Jackass of the for the month of April in this year of 2007.

It's not like I'm completely biased however, I like to think of myself as an equal opporotunity critic. The View has had its good moments; but for me personally, whatever credibility it had died when Rosie claimed that 9/11 was "an inside job". That's absolute-lunatic-talk.

She's well documented as saying "Thats the first time in history I've seen steel melt" Wow.

She further claims that bombs must have been planted to complete the horrible act.

Lets keep some simple logic in mind.

All metals melt. They have too, or you wouldn't have any metal to shape into a spoon, rebar, etc etc etc etc etc etc. Lets also keep in mind that when those planes hit the twin towers jet fuel was ejected (as in dispersed) in large quanities over a relatively small area. Lets also keep in mind that simple physics posits that something with a large surface area (such as dispersed jet fuel) burns quickly and instensely. Hot enough even to melt the steel that supports the twin towers. It shouldn't be surprising that the towers, with melting supports, collapsed, taking tower 7 with them.

Next she'll claim the jews must have planted the bombs.

I'm calling bullshit on "The View" for supporting Rosie's blantant drivel.

I'm not saying we should question conventional theories. I support the unconventional; however I'm a stronger supporter of the fact that logic bears truth; and in this case truth wasn't even given a chance.

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