Thursday, May 31, 2007

Russia goes nuts (again).

According to CNN, Russia is once again upset with the US over, what the US claims, is a missle defense system being deployed in Europe.

The Russian response was to test-launch an ICBM.

The general thinking behind all this was voiced by Condoleezza Rice; to protect our European allies from threats like Iran. Thats all fine and good, I suppose. Prudence is a virtue afterall.

But, am I the only one going WTF?

Explain exactly why we would allow Iran to have such missle capabilities in the first place? I would much rather urge a pre-emtive strike on Iranian facilities. Of course, while I can only hope such a plan is in the works; I can understand the "just-in-case" scenario of placing a missle defense system in Europe. Of course, another question is why aren't European nations taking these actions themselves? If not at least at the urging of NATO.

As for the Russian response; I don't know whether I should laugh or cry. Showboating around will only get you so far - yes, I think we're all aware of how Russia still has a poorly made and maintained arsenal.

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