Friday, April 13, 2007

Ahhh...the smell of freshly toasted Imus in the morn'

So, the hypocrisy has finally stunk up to high heaven, literally, in Al Sharpton's case.

But first, if you didn't know:
Here in the US the raido show host Imus, has been recently fired for his comments about some women-basketball players.

Now, I don't condone what Imus said, and I'm glad that he was punished, though, because I don't commonly listen to his show I'm not sure if "the punishment fits the crime."
However, In 1998, Imus called Washington Post media writer Howard Kurtz “that boner-nosed . . . beanie-wearing little Jew boy” (Newsday, 10/19/98). I didn't see Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, or really anyone run to aide of Jews; I mean, if one minority group is fair game; then surely all must be.
The thing is; one of Imus' main critics in the news has been Rev. Al Sharpton. The thing about this is Sharpton, bluntly, is racist himself; and has no room to point and scream racism at anyone else.
Let's not forget, Sharpton hates Jews; he said so himself; and lets not forget the Tawanna Browlie incident either.
Just one example that comes to mind: Freddie's Fashion Mart. Sharpton decided that Harlem should be segregated and decided that the Jewish owned store should close even though its been there for decades. At one of the many rallies meant to scare the Jewish owner away, Sharpton charged that “there is a systemic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear . . . that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Sharpton’s colleague, Morris Powell, said of the Jewish owner — Sharpton’s “white interloper” — “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers. Reverend Sharpton is on it.” Three months later, one of the protesters, Roland Smith, stormed Freddy’s with a pistol, screaming, “It’s on now: All blacks out!” In addition to shooting, he burned the place down. Eight people died. Sharpton first lied about being present. When confronted with a video tape showing his presence, he said: "What's wrong with denouncing white interlopers?" Well, "Reverend", perhaps no one has explained the difference between denouncing and killing - and the fact that no action was taken on Sharpton's part to stop the incident.

But then, with Yom HaShoah just around the corner; perhaps it's appropriate to have Sharpton so clearly in the public eye - to remind us that a real anti-semite, like Sharpton, with just as much free reign as a German-born-Aryan-in-Nazi-Germany, walks among us.

The whole situation is just rife with hypocrisy; and the media is doing generally the same thing when they railroaded those Duke Lacrosse players...aka, conviently ignoring facts and just focusing on hot button issues.
One would think they would have learned.

Thus, in honor of fairness, and out of some hope that perhaps one day their past will catch up with them; here's the dirt..
Jesse Jackson:

Al Sharpton:

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