Friday, April 13, 2007

Westernite, not a movie obsession, a cultural obsession.

No, the title of the blog isn't a shout out to John Wayne; so just to clear things up; here are some definitions..
(American Heritage Dictionary)
The West: 1. The nations of North America and Europe, along with Australia, New Zeland and Israel with developed capitalist economies, especially in contrast to less-developed nations, that share a common cultural heritage.

Sodom: ancient city destroyed, with Gomorrah, because of its wickedness. Gen. 18–19. 2.A place well known for vice and corruption.

Sodomite: 1.An inhabitant of Sodom. 2. One who engages in sodomy.

Considering how non-western peoples often view the west (you know who you are) I propose a new word:
The Westernite: n. 1. One who lives in the west and/or holds western values.

Of course, given my love of western culture, I would be a proud materialistic, decadent, vice-ridden Westernite. Eat your heart out Yemen.

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