Sunday, April 15, 2007

Future of American Jewry

Does Judaism have a future in America?
Personally, I would like to say so - despite assimilation; and many jews, including myself, wondering if wearing that yarmakle would draw too much attention; or if taking one of the various jewish holidays off would upset management too much - just enough to deny you a promotion.

However, everytime I see a story casting the dark shadow of assimilation, I can't help but think its a tad bit alarmist. Afterall, as americans we do have rights; and an assortment of employment laws protecting us from religious discrimination.

Yet, the primary objections seem to come from intermarriage not the business world. Falling in love with those pretty gentile boys and girls. To oppose intermarriage today means going against the entire modern American ethos by placing group identity over social integration, individualism, and liberal values.

Many an orthodox, and perhaps even conservative jew would object - citing that we'd just be sacrificing ourselves just to fit in. I say, not exactly. It's ridiculous to think that judaism isn't compatiable with liberalism, or concern for individual rights - values which are also american. So why not embrace them?

Part of embracing them is that as Jews, we need to stop feeling so insecure about our own traditions - aka, we don't have a christmas tree, and we're proud. We have a religious tradition much older, and much richer.

So light that shabbat candle, and wear that kippot like a rock-star; basically, be Jewish without apology.
Besides, The Jewish Enlightenment (Haskalah) had positive effects, like Zionism, and ultimately Einstein; and it had it's roots in a certain gentile enlightenment...we can't as a group remain completely isolated from the rest of the world, that only invites antisemitism.

Source Article:

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